Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lit Analysis #1

Ghost Soldiers is about one of World War twos' greatest rescue mission. The story tells two parts of what was happening during the time that the mission was planned and thought through and what the POWs were enduring until they were saved. The author chose this event to write about because it was one of the greatest WW2 story that was never told. I believe that this story wasn't talked about a lot because it told the story about americans' surrendering; who wants to hear about that while we are trying to win the war and keep our countries morale up? The cover and title of the book made me want to read it and place myself as a soldier that was hand selected to slip behind enemy lines to rescue my fellow comrades and then I wanted to endure the rugged 30 mile march with my 500 or more POWs with no water, no food and no medicine only to be saved when I was approaching death at the hell like camp of my enemy. I made a small connection to the book and that was understanding how its like to crawl through the worst parts of life like a snail; only to be saved by another soul who wants the best for you.
 The authors choices really stand out because he made the story as real as it could be and I believe he chose to put parts in that showed the audience how gruesome it was and how complicated the situation really was. The tone through out the story is gruesome, real, and kind of suspenseful with a taste of old wine (gets better as you go). Colonel Mucci and Abie Abraham are the two characters that stand out to me and kept me with this book in my hand. Colonel Mucci is a medium sized man that is muscular, don't let his size fool you because he is one tough S.O.B.  Abie Abraham is a tall white soldier who protects his friend from death/ torture as they endured the 30 mile march. These characters stand out to me because of their acts of courage and bravery.
Through out the story the author either did long/ lengthy description and he did some parts of just action and dialogue. In the story it talks about two Japanese captains that led the march of the POWs; one that was harsh and cruel, the other was more gentle and caring. One captain sliced the swollen finger off of a man just so he could have his Harvard ring and the other was nice enough to share food and give the POWs breaks to drink water. I'm going to remember this because it relates to a lot of different things. Life can be hell and hard sometimes, if you hang for the ride you will get breaks in return.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sping Vocab #3

apostate: a person who forsakes his religion, cause,or party. Ex:I apostate my generation because we are all lazy. effusive:unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve Ex:an effusive person would be very open. impasse: a position or situation from which there is no escape; euphoria:a state of intense happiness and self-confidence lugubrious:mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner bravado:a pretentious, swaggering display of courage. consensus:majority of opinion dichotomy:division into two parts, kinds constrict:to slow or stop the natural course or development of gothic:Help punctilio:strictness or exactness in the observance of formalities or amenities. metamorphosis:a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation raconteur:a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly. sine qua non:an indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential quixotic:extravagantly chivalrous or romantic vendetta:any prolonged and bitter feud, rivalry, contention, or the like non sequitur:a statement containing an illogical conclusion. mystique:a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning quagmire:an area of miry or boggy ground whose surface yields under the tread parlous: perilous; dangerous.


The difference between I "HAFTA" and I "WANNA" is significant. I have to do this lit analysis by January 31st in order to keep coasting by in my expository composition class. I want to get this lit analysis out of the way and keep pressing on so I can get the best out of this class. Which sounds better? I think people will magically change after graduation for the worst or for the best. Graduating can either make you want to get out and go get it or make you sit at home in house slippers laying on your mom and dads couch in a nasty stiff robe. I try to plan my day on making time for stuff at the appropriate time and planning it on the appropriate time to accomidate others. I want to go to Hancock and leave the nursing program and start my adult life. I'm not here to mess around. I have to and want to get stuff done.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Life after....

I see life after high school as the beginning of the real life. Real life where anything is possible when you want it. 18years old and depending on your parents still? That's how someone's life goes for the worse because you're basically a parasite; feeding off of your host (parents). I've been independent at a young age. I want to keep it that way and go to school and become a RN.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I, senior project ( first draft)

I'm very passionate about nursing and that's what I would like to do in life. In the group I was in we had discussed about what we were passionate about. Some said music others said space, history and law enforcement. Tomorrow we will discuss more about our intrests.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Spring Vocab #2

accoutrements- an additional item of dress or equipment.
apogee- the highest point in the development of something; a climax or culmination 
apropos- very appropriate to a particular situation
bicker- argue about petty and trivial matters
coalesce- come together to form one mass or whole
contretemps- a minior dispute or disagreement; unexpected and unfortunate occurrence
convolution- coil or twist; complex and difficult to follow
cull- reduce population by selective slaughter 
disparate- essentially different in kind; not able to be compared

dogmatic- inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Visual story telling

Visual story telling is effective in a lot of such as witnessing something live and real. 9/11 films have people jumping out of skyscrapers and hitting the top of the roof outside of the buildings lobby 100ft to their death. Visually you suffer and it gets the point across. You learn a lot from it like simple do's and don'ts. If a kid watches Kermit the frog burn his and on the stove, they're going to know that's a don't after he puts a band-aid on his hand. Visual story telling could be used as a teaching method. I use YouTube to watch others do stuff to fix their car and then use what I visually see and apply to mine.

Profile in courage

I didn't actually get to watch the beginning of the movie so my first impression of it may be a little dull. I have started to watch and have my heart touched with the 30minutes I watched today (midway through) and it hurts. It hurts mentally, physically and emotionally. I feel as if I had crippled these people. I feel pity towards them; its not fair.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The choice (prompt)

The decisions and choices made every day by every person in the world can change their lives for the better or for the worse in the long run or for the short sprint. The choice I made may have either ruined my life or has given me a gift. I have to choose between the life and death of a child not yet born. A child that has come into the world by accident, by a foolish boy that never took the advice that was being preached before him by his father ( who had to endure the same thing at my age). Choices have to be made by both partners in the relationship; the fate of this unborn child lies in the hands of two young adults that are still in high school. She can do whatever she pleases; I have no say because I'm not the one who has to endure the pain. I only have the choice to either man up and accept the challenge or run away and try to pretend like it never happened. I personally don't want to be immature like my parents, I want this child to be happy and healthy. The only way a child can be happy is if the child has TWO supporting parents that love each other and will do anything to achieve happiness in their lives. I still want to be young, wild and free but I don't think that's possible now. I have a family in the making that needs my attention. Abortion is wrong; if you're going to take the risk then you must be willing to except the results of risk. How can you prevent a child from blooming into the world? I think its unfair and that's why my choice is to man up and accept the challenge.

*This is fiction. My thoughts on abortion and teen pregnancy*

Monday, January 13, 2014

Vocab #1 performance review

I did pretty poorly on the vocab quiz mostly because my mind is still on break while I'm just sitting in class. My mind needs to get out of break.

Spring vocab #1

Adumbrate- report or represent in an outline.
Apotheosis- the highest point in the development of something ;climax
Ascetic- characterized by or suggesting the practice of self discipline.
Bauble-something that is sufericially attractive but useless/worthless.
Beguile- charm or enchant sometimes in a deceptive way.
Burgeon- begin to grow or increase rapidly, flourish.
Complement- a thing that completes or brings to perfection.
Contumacios- stubbornly or willingly disobedientto authoriety.
Curmudgeon- a bad tempered or surly person.
Didactic- intended to teach.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Hacking our class would basically be doing what we want to get what we need in order to achieve our personal goals. Anything is possible because the world is our game and we are merely players waiting to get to the next level.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Choice

1. The "choice" is referred to the choice of either making his daughter take the poison medicine with hope that it cures her sickness, or dont and let his daughter suffer and die. 2. I would consider it a real choice because if she refuses to take the medicine then her chances of getting is slim to nothing. I dont think there is a alternative. 3. The author uses the word poison because the Medicine is basically bad tasting and chemotheropy is probably not that enjoyable for a child. 4. She wants to play with the toy because she doesnt know if she will make it to the age that the to is intended for. If i was in the same circumstances as she is I would really want to play with whatever can bring me short term happiness. 5. I would basically want to travel and go to all the beaches that I dreamed of surfing to surf them until i couldnt paddle through the water anymore. 6. In life you are going to endure discomfort and be forced to because the whole reason why you are doing it is to ensure the great or good. 7. Suffering is a condition that everyone who is dealing with a loved one will endure, suffering beause of a partner is normal and suffering for a family member is necessary because you dont want to see them endure pain. 8. I feel emotional to his words because my grandmother had breast cancer and it was hard, seeing her go from having hair to being bald, seeing her being so skinny and seeing her so weak made me feel like suffering for her.