Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Essay Idea

Okay, so today in class my group and I decided that since we have been talking about obesity the past couple days, that we should do an essay about how to fight obesity! We haven't really decided if its going to be a persuasive essay or if its going to be a exposition essay(tell reader why and how to do it Vs. simply explain how to fight it& and not directed to reader).

Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary fall #2

Obesity: is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. Obesity starts off with food at home, garbage food turns your child to obesity in weight and health. 1accumulate: to gather or collect, in gradual degree i work to accumulate money to buy expensive things. 2Mass: a body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size. The mass of this generations waist and stomachs is to round 3disease: a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment. This nasty plague disease has killed and infected many people. 4Diet: a particular selection of food, especially as designed or prescribed to improve a person's physical condition or to prevent or treat a disease. I started a carb free diet to help get me skinnier. 5prevalence:the condition of being prevalent, or widespread The prevalence of the plague spread through out Europe really fast 6stigma: a mental or physical mark that is characteristic of a defect or disease The stigma of my recovering from chicken poxs is really disturbing 7prevent: To keep from occurring. Eating healthy and daily exercise prevents me from becoming obese 7adolescent:growing to manhood or womanhood; youthful The teens in society are also the adolescents of society 8cardiovascular: of, pertaining to, or affecting the heart and blood vessels. I cant really come up with a sentence for this.(asking for help) 9excessive: going beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit or degree; characterized by excess Eating excessive may push your weight beyond the average and into the obese category. 10mechanism: an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine; linkage. Your brain is like the mechanism of the body because it controls what everything does. 11sedentary: accustomed to sit or rest a great deal or to take little exercise. office workers are stuck sedentary in their chairs and cubicles all day. 12predispose: to give an inclination or tendency to beforehand; make susceptible i dont really understand this word 13syndrome:a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease, or the like

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pros and Cons: Obesity

SO i reviewed Johnas blog and looked at the article she had choosen, the article explained how 1/4 of the schools in america send fat letters to the parents of children who are checked as being over weight for their height,weight and age. I use her article as a resource for the pro and cons part of this because it explains how the letter can backfire, the parents will single out the child as other family can indulge themselves with treats as this child is forced to be excluded from treats and sweets. Another way it can backfire is if the child is an athlete, myself for example have gone to get checked and i think almost every time i get checked, they confirm me to "obese" and then they explain to me that i shouldn't be concerned because i'm an athlete and that i have more muscle then i do fat ( muscle weighs more then fat) which makes me heavier. Now, the most obvious con about the fat letters is that what if other children at the school find out that the child was classified as being obese, then the teasing and bullying starts only to worsen the kids social life and maybe even put him/her in a depression. This article explains that the cons of being over weight have to deal with serous health issues such as heart disease, mood problems, energy problems, breathing problems and affects the joints of the children/teens. Now lets talk about the pros of the fat letters, < is an article explaining the fat letters can be a wake up call for the parents and gives tips and advice on how to prevent your child from being unhealthy and over weight.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

This is PHAT

This is link that explains why Americans have gotten a little chunky over the years. Thanks to working out and sports I'm in good shape. This article explains how the average adult eats out five times a week and how the percentage of people consuming food from "outside" their home has increased to %20 in the past decade. It's also a lot cheaper to afford fast food then it is to purchase healthy food such as salads. A proven example is that i had recently gone to Mcdonalds for a salad that cost $5.00 and up,if your a big guy like myself, what would you rather have? A five dollar salad or four dollar cheese burgers? I left and went to subway. America really needs to loose weight, stop eating foods made of corn syrup and stop eating garbage fast food, it will save your life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

vocabulary: fall #1

Expository: of the nature of exposition; serving to expound; set fourth or explain
Example: My teacher had asked his student to take these vocabulary words and write an expository short story with the correct definition.
composition: the act of combining parts or elements to form a whole
Example: The old man made a unique yard by the composition of the rusty antiques and the brand new pond in front of them.
Assuage: Make less intense
Example: After the girl looked at her failed pregnancy test, the thought of her future is assuage.
Decadence: The act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state.
Example: I've read that some people believe that the decadence of the Roman empire was internal.
Hackneyed: made common placeor trite.
Example: Dr Preston will look at my hackneyed examples soon.
Coalition: A combination or alliance, a temporary one between persons, fractions, States, ext.
Example: I started a coalition to start a protest against our school provided "food".
Transcend: To rise above or go beyond
Example: My goal this year is to transcend more educationally then I ever have.
petulant: Moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation especially over some trifling annoyance.
Example: I was petulant to the pestering fly in my house.
lurid: Terrible intensity, fierce passion, or restraint.
Example: I drove past the lurid crime scene where the shooting happened last week.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections on week ONE

The participation level in this class is a little more higher with the blog and Internet access. Not to make my life sound horrible but, I live in a house with scrappy and slow internet which is a hassle because sometimes it won't let me connect to the wifi or it won't let me download the documents. All these problems make me mad but what can do? It just take a few extra minutes. My best learning experience was when I was 12years old and my mom had bought me my first dirtbike. It was literally the best and worst day of my life. The best because now I can ride any where I want because I lived out in no mans land when I lived on Maui, which made this perfect transportation. The worst because prior to this I've never rode one of these by myself and my experience level was well below beginner. My moms boyfriend gave me a quick what to do and what not to do lesson and I hopped on the bike and already felt unstoppable.I pinned the throttle back, got into third gear, saw a mud puddle and thought it'd be cool to go through it, but little did I know that this was gonna ruin my day. I slid out and lost control of the bike and then found myself covered head to toe in mud. This event taught me not to do things blindfolded, doing something you have no knowledge and skills to do is very painful and embarrassing, so please take steps in learning processes. This class will teach me things I have yet to know about. Do I know what these things will be? Absolutely not because I haven't firmly grasped the meaning of this class besides that we are socially active and that our teacher does his teaching in a new way that I have yet to comprehend.


Okay.. So I'm not really into non fiction books. I've maybe read a biography on yoa ming (basketball player) and old diaries about war and battles in like the late 1800's but, it wasn't my favorite genre. Anyways, today Dr.Preston asked us to look up five go to places to find these books and I just threw that in the goggle search engine and found these. (kindle users) So if your into non fiction check those places out and I hope you find something of interest.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

a truly interesting piece of nonfiction

A interesting piece I've read is the non fiction book "the diary of Ann frank. Its about a young girl who is trying to survive the hollocaust in the attic of a good neighbors house. The holocaust was when the Germans were destroying and taking over cities and towns neighboring them. They were also blaming Jewish people for the lost of world war1 so, they were going around hurting,killing, and capturing Jewish people. The captured Jewish people were then divided up between people who could work and those who couldn't. The elderly, handicapped, and really young babies were sent to extermination camps and the workers were sent to the other camps.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

what is expository composition

Expository composition could not found on google. So I googled the words seperate from each other and I smashed those two definitions together and came up with this definition, "to explain somethings structure or function; when things are put together to construct.

its all latin to me

"He who has begun is half done:dare to know" this quote is relevant to this class\course because we have just begun to understand what we are doing in this course and we are already almost done with understanding what we have to push for and what we have to do to succeed in the path we have started buliding towards being completely done.
My big question is how did everything get its name? How did a nose get its name? How did someone walk towards a tree and say " this must be a fruit tree"? Did the objects name come from old origins? This is the type of question that keeps my mind pondering for many minutes each day.