Monday, March 3, 2014

Benchmark project

Reading the thread on my blog will probably have you stressing out and going "what the...?". What I'm doing is 100 day challenge or to see how fit I could get by the due date of the masterpiece. I'm documenting everything I feel, my mood and how its changing my life and how its slowly starting to enhance my life. In a little under 1 and 1/2 weeks I've lost 9-10 lbs and my goal is to get down to 185lbs or even 180lbs. I set my wallpaper picture to this very motivating quote " I never dreamed of success, I worked for it". I look at that everything, think if my goals and crawl out of bed and head to the gym. Its a life challenge. Its a life commitment to get fit and to stay fit. Its your choice to decide whether you wanna start getting fit or you hafta start getting fit. If you're one of those people scratching for an excuse, then see how much free time you have during day. If you're bored and channel surfing, you're lazy.  It's 1 to 1 1/2 hours a minimum of four days a week to change your mood, physique, and life. Anyone can do it.

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