Ghost Soldiers is about one of World War twos' greatest rescue mission. The story tells two parts of what was happening during the time that the mission was planned and thought through and what the POWs were enduring until they were saved. The author chose this event to write about because it was one of the greatest WW2 story that was never told. I believe that this story wasn't talked about a lot because it told the story about americans' surrendering; who wants to hear about that while we are trying to win the war and keep our countries morale up? The cover and title of the book made me want to read it and place myself as a soldier that was hand selected to slip behind enemy lines to rescue my fellow comrades and then I wanted to endure the rugged 30 mile march with my 500 or more POWs with no water, no food and no medicine only to be saved when I was approaching death at the hell like camp of my enemy. I made a small connection to the book and that was understanding how its like to crawl through the worst parts of life like a snail; only to be saved by another soul who wants the best for you.
The authors choices really stand out because he made the story as real as it could be and I believe he chose to put parts in that showed the audience how gruesome it was and how complicated the situation really was. The tone through out the story is gruesome, real, and kind of suspenseful with a taste of old wine (gets better as you go). Colonel Mucci and Abie Abraham are the two characters that stand out to me and kept me with this book in my hand. Colonel Mucci is a medium sized man that is muscular, don't let his size fool you because he is one tough S.O.B. Abie Abraham is a tall white soldier who protects his friend from death/ torture as they endured the 30 mile march. These characters stand out to me because of their acts of courage and bravery.
Through out the story the author either did long/ lengthy description and he did some parts of just action and dialogue. In the story it talks about two Japanese captains that led the march of the POWs; one that was harsh and cruel, the other was more gentle and caring. One captain sliced the swollen finger off of a man just so he could have his Harvard ring and the other was nice enough to share food and give the POWs breaks to drink water. I'm going to remember this because it relates to a lot of different things. Life can be hell and hard sometimes, if you hang for the ride you will get breaks in return.
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