Friday, May 30, 2014

My slow transformation

These are pictures from 8th/9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade and  12th grade. big difference

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Beginnings 1

Whatever it was, it blew my mind open with the different scenarios that could be attached to the writting. They could be in love with each other but both of them are married. Their partners both believe that they are out of state on a business trip, in reality both are in a a beautiful hotel suit surrounded by the smell of plumeria. He is in love with her and she is in love with him. She had recently found out she's pregnant with his child. Neither of them can bare the pain of their other family through, they decide to take drugs and jump off the top of the hotel. Holdings hands, looking at the side walk, she counts to three, he felt her smooth hand slip out of his.

Thats the type of story I would assume would be the beginning of beginning 1.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Speedsack: Monte Nash

Here is Speedsac Cross Training's I.M.F.A.S.T.(In Motion Functional Athletic Strength Training) video clip.  The program focuses on Building Strength, Developing Muscle, and raising your anaerobic threshold by moving your body through space with resistance!  If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me on the below!

Thank you,
Monté L. Nash

Thursday, April 10, 2014

the cross roads between should and must

Should I keep working my seven to eight hour shifts to try and live off of minimum wage and play it safe? Should I just forget about what I've always wanted to design and crumble up all my ideas and toss it in a trash bin? These were the thoughts going through my mind as I was reading the article. Usually when I read an article that makes me ask myself a lot of questions and then I start to think down deep into what I really want to do, I enjoy it. The difference between SHOULD and MUST is mind blowing. Actually, while reading this post it reminded me of this time my friend Tim and I were riding our bikes in the rain during a Washington state winter and we had stopped at the cross walk. While waiting for the light to show the white person light I was thinking, Reversd. Reversd was this idea that My friends and I were going to make a clothing company that would evolve to this huge success and we would all move to Long Beach or Santa Cruz and live the life of rich people. Did that happen though? No. Do we still want to do it? Heck yeah! But I live in California and they live in Washington. We still text every blue moon to say Hi and Tim is planning on becoming a designer. This is my MUST. I want to have this  huge, well established company that I can be able to say "My friends and I started this from the ground, F yeah". I personally have my own obstacles to overcome and I'm trying to jump off the cliff. It's so damn hard to leave the comfort zone.

Monday, March 17, 2014


I dont believe that the expert I would've asked my ten questions is a entrepreneur according to our class definition. I believe that if a bunch of people have the same concept or idea as the person who originated the idea they would be classified as followers. Since health and fitness is my masterpiece the "followers" are either young experts or old fitness veterans. Personally I'm just another follower and if I want to be an expert in the field of health and fitness its not that hard. Experts are easy to get information from. Internet and youtube chanels, I wont have a certificate or a degree in kinesiology but I'll get you ripped if your dedicated.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Resource of the day(monday and tuesday)

10 questions

1. What made you embrace fitness/bodybuilding?
2. What was your motivation?
3. Did you set goals? If yes, what goals? If no, why not?
4. What's more important, diet or actual exercise?
5. What's a appropriate time to work out for?
6. Do you believe in over training? explain.
7. How many meals a day do you consume?
8. Are you satisfied yet? Explain
9. When will you stop lifting?
10. Is fitness a necessity in life? Explain.

Resource of the days (4)beginning of march
Youtube channel massive joes

Monday, March 3, 2014

Benchmark project

Reading the thread on my blog will probably have you stressing out and going "what the...?". What I'm doing is 100 day challenge or to see how fit I could get by the due date of the masterpiece. I'm documenting everything I feel, my mood and how its changing my life and how its slowly starting to enhance my life. In a little under 1 and 1/2 weeks I've lost 9-10 lbs and my goal is to get down to 185lbs or even 180lbs. I set my wallpaper picture to this very motivating quote " I never dreamed of success, I worked for it". I look at that everything, think if my goals and crawl out of bed and head to the gym. Its a life challenge. Its a life commitment to get fit and to stay fit. Its your choice to decide whether you wanna start getting fit or you hafta start getting fit. If you're one of those people scratching for an excuse, then see how much free time you have during day. If you're bored and channel surfing, you're lazy.  It's 1 to 1 1/2 hours a minimum of four days a week to change your mood, physique, and life. Anyone can do it.

Water retention? Weight loss?

So today I was introduced to water retention pills? I haven't taken it but they are interesting. The way they work is by taking the water out of your skin. I know it sounds trippy but water or water weight makes the human body look more puffy then it really it. All the huge body builders with thick veins and has like the defined lines take these pre contest so they look even more cut. I think I want to try them out just for the heck of it. Also, if you're going to cut weight don't take weight loss pills. Most of the pills just trick your mind  to thinking that you aren't hungry; losing all your gains over time.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Master piece essay #1

My masterpiece, fitness transformation. Documenting the struggle, the commitment and the ethic of people who are in shape. At the moment I've been reading articles about how and what people have done to motivate themselves and commit to the change. Im in shape but I am not "FIT". Being fit and what the girls drool over is being fit.

My network

Shane, Gabi, Carlos and summer all have topics that made me curious to what they're going to end up doing for their final master piece. What made me curious about shanes is that he is studying how music makes you emotional and I've always been a big fan music because every song has a story unless its modern hip hop/rap (which only consist of money, drugs, alcohol and sex). Music has helped me change my point of view or perspective on the paths that I choose today and further down the road. Gabi is doing her masterpiece on compassion, I may look like a big jerk but I'd lend the shirt off my back to anyone that needed it. I feel like our generation lacks compassion and commitment because what ever they want is simply handed to them. Carlos and his masterpiece of muscles and boxing has me really interested because im always looking for a good work and boxers are usually in fantastic shape. Maybe we could try each others workout plan for a month and document any changes?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Fitness vocab #2

Vitamin- organic components that are essential for normal growth and nutrition.
Herobic metabolism- the metabloic process that occurs in the cell by which the body uses oxygen to produce energy.
Bpm- the unit of heart beats per minute
Cardio respiratory- concerning the heart and respiratory system.
Cardio vascular- concerning the heart and blood vessels.
Fartlek training- training in which the pace is varied from a fast Sprint to slow jogging.
Frequency- how often you work out.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Peer review

So I looked at five blogs that my peers have controlled and I was only impressed by one of them. Dale is straight killing it in our expository class! Every assignment done. Literature analysis done. Creativity check. Passion about what he is posting is there to! I'm going to start using his blog when I need a little help. The others were good, but dales blog was way better.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Resources #2

With a little help from my friend

A semi expert that I have as a resource is my buddy and gym partner tim. Tim is currently a student at allan hancock community college but is taking three different types of health clases (even though he wants to become a diesel mechanic). He knows what he is talking about and can school me with his muscle and fitness knowledge. Im going to ask him to help with my senior project.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welcome to the interdisciplinary

Im just brainstorming here, but here are the thoughts I have of the things within fitness. 2. Pilates 3. Kinesiology 4. Dieting 5. Psychology

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I am passionate about nursing and helping people who need and want change in their lives. It makes me feel like im doing something to make the world a better and healthier place one step at a time. A personal trainer is also what I would enjoy doing as a career.
I could use the internet to research anything I need information about; nursing, lifting, diet and exercises.
I would like to meet the people that influenced me to start to change my fitness level and interview them to hear their story.
If I could train and live the life of a personal trainer or body builder that would dope as heck.
In order to achieve that I have to reach out to the experts.
Youtube: ct fletcher, jay cutler, scooby, jeff seid, kali muscle.
Internet: iron man magzine, muscle mag,

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fitness Vocab

1.Adhesion - Fibrous patch holding muscles or other parts together that are normally separated.
2.Atrophy - Withering away - decrease in size and functional ability of tissue or organs
3.Biomechanics - Science concerned with the internal and external forces acting on a human body and the effects produced by these forces
4.Cut Up (or Cut) - A term used to denote a bodybuilder who has an extremely high degree of muscular definition due to a low degree of body fat.
5.Fascia - Fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports and separates ~l muscles and muscle groups. It also unites skin with underlying tissue.
6.Glycogen - The principal stored form of carbohydrate energy (glucose), which is reserved in muscles. When your muscles are full of glycogen, they look and feel full
7.HDL - This stands for "high-density lipoprotein." It's one of the subcate-gories of cholesterol--typically thought of as the "good" cholesterol. You may be able to raise your HDL cholesterol levels by ingesting qual-ity unsaturated fats like flaxseed oil. Exercise has ~so been shown to increase HDL levels.
8.Hypertrophy - The scientific term denoting an increase in muscle mass and an improvement in relative muscular strength. Hypertrophy is induced by placing an "over-load" on the working muscles with various training tech-niques during a bodybuilding workout.
9.Isotonic Exercise - Muscular action in which there is a change in length of muscle and weight) keeping tension constant. Lifting free weights is a classic isotonic exercise.
10.Kinesiology - Study of muscles and their movements.
11.Myositis - Muscular soreness due to inflammation that often Occurs 1-2 days after unaccustomed exercise.
12.Nautilus - Isokinetic type exercise machine, which attempts to match resistance with user's force.
13.Onion Skin - Slang denoting skin with very low percentage of subcutaneous fat which helps accentuate muscularity.
14.P.H.A. - Peripheral Heart Action; a system of training where you go from one exercise to another, with little or no rest, preferably alternating upper body and lower body exercises. Designed for cardiovascular training and to develop muscle mass.
15.Poundage - The amount of weight that you use in an exercise, whether that weight is on a barbell, dumbbell, or exercise machine.
16.Sticking Point - A stalling out of bodybuilding progress.
17.Striations - Grooves or ridge marks seen under the skin, the ultimate degree of muscle definition.
18.Tendon - A band or cord of strong, fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bone.
19.Vascularity - Increase in size and number of observable veins. Highly desirable in bodybuilding.
20.Vitamins - Organic compounds that are vital to Tile, indispensable to bodily function, and needed in minute amounts. They are calorie-free essential nutrients. Many of them function as coenzymes. supporting a multitude of biological functions.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lit Analysis #1

Ghost Soldiers is about one of World War twos' greatest rescue mission. The story tells two parts of what was happening during the time that the mission was planned and thought through and what the POWs were enduring until they were saved. The author chose this event to write about because it was one of the greatest WW2 story that was never told. I believe that this story wasn't talked about a lot because it told the story about americans' surrendering; who wants to hear about that while we are trying to win the war and keep our countries morale up? The cover and title of the book made me want to read it and place myself as a soldier that was hand selected to slip behind enemy lines to rescue my fellow comrades and then I wanted to endure the rugged 30 mile march with my 500 or more POWs with no water, no food and no medicine only to be saved when I was approaching death at the hell like camp of my enemy. I made a small connection to the book and that was understanding how its like to crawl through the worst parts of life like a snail; only to be saved by another soul who wants the best for you.
 The authors choices really stand out because he made the story as real as it could be and I believe he chose to put parts in that showed the audience how gruesome it was and how complicated the situation really was. The tone through out the story is gruesome, real, and kind of suspenseful with a taste of old wine (gets better as you go). Colonel Mucci and Abie Abraham are the two characters that stand out to me and kept me with this book in my hand. Colonel Mucci is a medium sized man that is muscular, don't let his size fool you because he is one tough S.O.B.  Abie Abraham is a tall white soldier who protects his friend from death/ torture as they endured the 30 mile march. These characters stand out to me because of their acts of courage and bravery.
Through out the story the author either did long/ lengthy description and he did some parts of just action and dialogue. In the story it talks about two Japanese captains that led the march of the POWs; one that was harsh and cruel, the other was more gentle and caring. One captain sliced the swollen finger off of a man just so he could have his Harvard ring and the other was nice enough to share food and give the POWs breaks to drink water. I'm going to remember this because it relates to a lot of different things. Life can be hell and hard sometimes, if you hang for the ride you will get breaks in return.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sping Vocab #3

apostate: a person who forsakes his religion, cause,or party. Ex:I apostate my generation because we are all lazy. effusive:unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve Ex:an effusive person would be very open. impasse: a position or situation from which there is no escape; euphoria:a state of intense happiness and self-confidence lugubrious:mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner bravado:a pretentious, swaggering display of courage. consensus:majority of opinion dichotomy:division into two parts, kinds constrict:to slow or stop the natural course or development of gothic:Help punctilio:strictness or exactness in the observance of formalities or amenities. metamorphosis:a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation raconteur:a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly. sine qua non:an indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential quixotic:extravagantly chivalrous or romantic vendetta:any prolonged and bitter feud, rivalry, contention, or the like non sequitur:a statement containing an illogical conclusion. mystique:a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning quagmire:an area of miry or boggy ground whose surface yields under the tread parlous: perilous; dangerous.


The difference between I "HAFTA" and I "WANNA" is significant. I have to do this lit analysis by January 31st in order to keep coasting by in my expository composition class. I want to get this lit analysis out of the way and keep pressing on so I can get the best out of this class. Which sounds better? I think people will magically change after graduation for the worst or for the best. Graduating can either make you want to get out and go get it or make you sit at home in house slippers laying on your mom and dads couch in a nasty stiff robe. I try to plan my day on making time for stuff at the appropriate time and planning it on the appropriate time to accomidate others. I want to go to Hancock and leave the nursing program and start my adult life. I'm not here to mess around. I have to and want to get stuff done.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Life after....

I see life after high school as the beginning of the real life. Real life where anything is possible when you want it. 18years old and depending on your parents still? That's how someone's life goes for the worse because you're basically a parasite; feeding off of your host (parents). I've been independent at a young age. I want to keep it that way and go to school and become a RN.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I, senior project ( first draft)

I'm very passionate about nursing and that's what I would like to do in life. In the group I was in we had discussed about what we were passionate about. Some said music others said space, history and law enforcement. Tomorrow we will discuss more about our intrests.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Spring Vocab #2

accoutrements- an additional item of dress or equipment.
apogee- the highest point in the development of something; a climax or culmination 
apropos- very appropriate to a particular situation
bicker- argue about petty and trivial matters
coalesce- come together to form one mass or whole
contretemps- a minior dispute or disagreement; unexpected and unfortunate occurrence
convolution- coil or twist; complex and difficult to follow
cull- reduce population by selective slaughter 
disparate- essentially different in kind; not able to be compared

dogmatic- inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Visual story telling

Visual story telling is effective in a lot of such as witnessing something live and real. 9/11 films have people jumping out of skyscrapers and hitting the top of the roof outside of the buildings lobby 100ft to their death. Visually you suffer and it gets the point across. You learn a lot from it like simple do's and don'ts. If a kid watches Kermit the frog burn his and on the stove, they're going to know that's a don't after he puts a band-aid on his hand. Visual story telling could be used as a teaching method. I use YouTube to watch others do stuff to fix their car and then use what I visually see and apply to mine.

Profile in courage

I didn't actually get to watch the beginning of the movie so my first impression of it may be a little dull. I have started to watch and have my heart touched with the 30minutes I watched today (midway through) and it hurts. It hurts mentally, physically and emotionally. I feel as if I had crippled these people. I feel pity towards them; its not fair.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The choice (prompt)

The decisions and choices made every day by every person in the world can change their lives for the better or for the worse in the long run or for the short sprint. The choice I made may have either ruined my life or has given me a gift. I have to choose between the life and death of a child not yet born. A child that has come into the world by accident, by a foolish boy that never took the advice that was being preached before him by his father ( who had to endure the same thing at my age). Choices have to be made by both partners in the relationship; the fate of this unborn child lies in the hands of two young adults that are still in high school. She can do whatever she pleases; I have no say because I'm not the one who has to endure the pain. I only have the choice to either man up and accept the challenge or run away and try to pretend like it never happened. I personally don't want to be immature like my parents, I want this child to be happy and healthy. The only way a child can be happy is if the child has TWO supporting parents that love each other and will do anything to achieve happiness in their lives. I still want to be young, wild and free but I don't think that's possible now. I have a family in the making that needs my attention. Abortion is wrong; if you're going to take the risk then you must be willing to except the results of risk. How can you prevent a child from blooming into the world? I think its unfair and that's why my choice is to man up and accept the challenge.

*This is fiction. My thoughts on abortion and teen pregnancy*

Monday, January 13, 2014

Vocab #1 performance review

I did pretty poorly on the vocab quiz mostly because my mind is still on break while I'm just sitting in class. My mind needs to get out of break.

Spring vocab #1

Adumbrate- report or represent in an outline.
Apotheosis- the highest point in the development of something ;climax
Ascetic- characterized by or suggesting the practice of self discipline.
Bauble-something that is sufericially attractive but useless/worthless.
Beguile- charm or enchant sometimes in a deceptive way.
Burgeon- begin to grow or increase rapidly, flourish.
Complement- a thing that completes or brings to perfection.
Contumacios- stubbornly or willingly disobedientto authoriety.
Curmudgeon- a bad tempered or surly person.
Didactic- intended to teach.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Hacking our class would basically be doing what we want to get what we need in order to achieve our personal goals. Anything is possible because the world is our game and we are merely players waiting to get to the next level.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Choice

1. The "choice" is referred to the choice of either making his daughter take the poison medicine with hope that it cures her sickness, or dont and let his daughter suffer and die. 2. I would consider it a real choice because if she refuses to take the medicine then her chances of getting is slim to nothing. I dont think there is a alternative. 3. The author uses the word poison because the Medicine is basically bad tasting and chemotheropy is probably not that enjoyable for a child. 4. She wants to play with the toy because she doesnt know if she will make it to the age that the to is intended for. If i was in the same circumstances as she is I would really want to play with whatever can bring me short term happiness. 5. I would basically want to travel and go to all the beaches that I dreamed of surfing to surf them until i couldnt paddle through the water anymore. 6. In life you are going to endure discomfort and be forced to because the whole reason why you are doing it is to ensure the great or good. 7. Suffering is a condition that everyone who is dealing with a loved one will endure, suffering beause of a partner is normal and suffering for a family member is necessary because you dont want to see them endure pain. 8. I feel emotional to his words because my grandmother had breast cancer and it was hard, seeing her go from having hair to being bald, seeing her being so skinny and seeing her so weak made me feel like suffering for her.