Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pros and Cons: Obesity

SO i reviewed Johnas blog and looked at the article she had choosen, the article explained how 1/4 of the schools in america send fat letters to the parents of children who are checked as being over weight for their height,weight and age. I use her article as a resource for the pro and cons part of this because it explains how the letter can backfire, the parents will single out the child as other family can indulge themselves with treats as this child is forced to be excluded from treats and sweets. Another way it can backfire is if the child is an athlete, myself for example have gone to get checked and i think almost every time i get checked, they confirm me to "obese" and then they explain to me that i shouldn't be concerned because i'm an athlete and that i have more muscle then i do fat ( muscle weighs more then fat) which makes me heavier. Now, the most obvious con about the fat letters is that what if other children at the school find out that the child was classified as being obese, then the teasing and bullying starts only to worsen the kids social life and maybe even put him/her in a depression. This article explains that the cons of being over weight have to deal with serous health issues such as heart disease, mood problems, energy problems, breathing problems and affects the joints of the children/teens. Now lets talk about the pros of the fat letters, < is an article explaining the fat letters can be a wake up call for the parents and gives tips and advice on how to prevent your child from being unhealthy and over weight.

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