Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Speedsack: Monte Nash

Here is Speedsac Cross Training's I.M.F.A.S.T.(In Motion Functional Athletic Strength Training) video clip.  The program focuses on Building Strength, Developing Muscle, and raising your anaerobic threshold by moving your body through space with resistance!  If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me on the below!

Thank you,
Monté L. Nash

Thursday, April 10, 2014

the cross roads between should and must

Should I keep working my seven to eight hour shifts to try and live off of minimum wage and play it safe? Should I just forget about what I've always wanted to design and crumble up all my ideas and toss it in a trash bin? These were the thoughts going through my mind as I was reading the article. Usually when I read an article that makes me ask myself a lot of questions and then I start to think down deep into what I really want to do, I enjoy it. The difference between SHOULD and MUST is mind blowing. Actually, while reading this post it reminded me of this time my friend Tim and I were riding our bikes in the rain during a Washington state winter and we had stopped at the cross walk. While waiting for the light to show the white person light I was thinking, Reversd. Reversd was this idea that My friends and I were going to make a clothing company that would evolve to this huge success and we would all move to Long Beach or Santa Cruz and live the life of rich people. Did that happen though? No. Do we still want to do it? Heck yeah! But I live in California and they live in Washington. We still text every blue moon to say Hi and Tim is planning on becoming a designer. This is my MUST. I want to have this  huge, well established company that I can be able to say "My friends and I started this from the ground, F yeah". I personally have my own obstacles to overcome and I'm trying to jump off the cliff. It's so damn hard to leave the comfort zone.