Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Master piece essay #1

My masterpiece, fitness transformation. Documenting the struggle, the commitment and the ethic of people who are in shape. At the moment I've been reading articles about how and what people have done to motivate themselves and commit to the change. Im in shape but I am not "FIT". Being fit and what the girls drool over is being fit.

My network

Shane, Gabi, Carlos and summer all have topics that made me curious to what they're going to end up doing for their final master piece. What made me curious about shanes is that he is studying how music makes you emotional and I've always been a big fan music because every song has a story unless its modern hip hop/rap (which only consist of money, drugs, alcohol and sex). Music has helped me change my point of view or perspective on the paths that I choose today and further down the road. Gabi is doing her masterpiece on compassion, I may look like a big jerk but I'd lend the shirt off my back to anyone that needed it. I feel like our generation lacks compassion and commitment because what ever they want is simply handed to them. Carlos and his masterpiece of muscles and boxing has me really interested because im always looking for a good work and boxers are usually in fantastic shape. Maybe we could try each others workout plan for a month and document any changes?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Fitness vocab #2

Vitamin- organic components that are essential for normal growth and nutrition.
Herobic metabolism- the metabloic process that occurs in the cell by which the body uses oxygen to produce energy.
Bpm- the unit of heart beats per minute
Cardio respiratory- concerning the heart and respiratory system.
Cardio vascular- concerning the heart and blood vessels.
Fartlek training- training in which the pace is varied from a fast Sprint to slow jogging.
Frequency- how often you work out.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Peer review

So I looked at five blogs that my peers have controlled and I was only impressed by one of them. Dale is straight killing it in our expository class! Every assignment done. Literature analysis done. Creativity check. Passion about what he is posting is there to! I'm going to start using his blog when I need a little help. The others were good, but dales blog was way better.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Resources #2


With a little help from my friend

A semi expert that I have as a resource is my buddy and gym partner tim. Tim is currently a student at allan hancock community college but is taking three different types of health clases (even though he wants to become a diesel mechanic). He knows what he is talking about and can school me with his muscle and fitness knowledge. Im going to ask him to help with my senior project.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welcome to the interdisciplinary

Im just brainstorming here, but here are the thoughts I have of the things within fitness. 1.yoga 2. Pilates 3. Kinesiology 4. Dieting 5. Psychology

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I am passionate about nursing and helping people who need and want change in their lives. It makes me feel like im doing something to make the world a better and healthier place one step at a time. A personal trainer is also what I would enjoy doing as a career.
I could use the internet to research anything I need information about; nursing, lifting, diet and exercises.
I would like to meet the people that influenced me to start to change my fitness level and interview them to hear their story.
If I could train and live the life of a personal trainer or body builder that would dope as heck.
In order to achieve that I have to reach out to the experts.
Youtube: ct fletcher, jay cutler, scooby, jeff seid, kali muscle.
Internet: iron man magzine, muscle mag, bodybuilding.com.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fitness Vocab

1.Adhesion - Fibrous patch holding muscles or other parts together that are normally separated.
2.Atrophy - Withering away - decrease in size and functional ability of tissue or organs
3.Biomechanics - Science concerned with the internal and external forces acting on a human body and the effects produced by these forces
4.Cut Up (or Cut) - A term used to denote a bodybuilder who has an extremely high degree of muscular definition due to a low degree of body fat.
5.Fascia - Fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports and separates ~l muscles and muscle groups. It also unites skin with underlying tissue.
6.Glycogen - The principal stored form of carbohydrate energy (glucose), which is reserved in muscles. When your muscles are full of glycogen, they look and feel full
7.HDL - This stands for "high-density lipoprotein." It's one of the subcate-gories of cholesterol--typically thought of as the "good" cholesterol. You may be able to raise your HDL cholesterol levels by ingesting qual-ity unsaturated fats like flaxseed oil. Exercise has ~so been shown to increase HDL levels.
8.Hypertrophy - The scientific term denoting an increase in muscle mass and an improvement in relative muscular strength. Hypertrophy is induced by placing an "over-load" on the working muscles with various training tech-niques during a bodybuilding workout.
9.Isotonic Exercise - Muscular action in which there is a change in length of muscle and weight) keeping tension constant. Lifting free weights is a classic isotonic exercise.
10.Kinesiology - Study of muscles and their movements.
11.Myositis - Muscular soreness due to inflammation that often Occurs 1-2 days after unaccustomed exercise.
12.Nautilus - Isokinetic type exercise machine, which attempts to match resistance with user's force.
13.Onion Skin - Slang denoting skin with very low percentage of subcutaneous fat which helps accentuate muscularity.
14.P.H.A. - Peripheral Heart Action; a system of training where you go from one exercise to another, with little or no rest, preferably alternating upper body and lower body exercises. Designed for cardiovascular training and to develop muscle mass.
15.Poundage - The amount of weight that you use in an exercise, whether that weight is on a barbell, dumbbell, or exercise machine.
16.Sticking Point - A stalling out of bodybuilding progress.
17.Striations - Grooves or ridge marks seen under the skin, the ultimate degree of muscle definition.
18.Tendon - A band or cord of strong, fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bone.
19.Vascularity - Increase in size and number of observable veins. Highly desirable in bodybuilding.
20.Vitamins - Organic compounds that are vital to Tile, indispensable to bodily function, and needed in minute amounts. They are calorie-free essential nutrients. Many of them function as coenzymes. supporting a multitude of biological functions.